The Drama Team at Tomball Cowboy Church
is known as
“Heir Force.”
God had told us many years ago that, “if we would be faithful to illustrate…He
would be faithful to illuminate…” The Lord is using EVERY man, woman, and
child that is willing to answer the call and pay the price to win the lost.
For as the Word of God says…the harvest is many, but the laborers are
few…God has provided every possible way to help people get a hold of the
truth and be set free…thru teachings, song, dance, drama and mimes. It is
the hearts desire of “Heir Force” that we should take a page from the worlds
greatest worshipper of the Lord, King David, who said, “I shall not offer to
God that which cost me nothing” and with that in our hearts truly offer
ourselves as a living sacrifice before the Lord to be used in whatever way HE
created us for and answer “YES” when asked, “WILL YOU RIDE WITH ME, wherever
and however I shall lead…!”